Residential Painting
Whether you want to give your living room a new color with a fresh coat of paint, or impress your neighbors with a complete home makeover, you can count on Armenta Painting LLC to do the job for you! With over 14 years of experience serving the Greensboro, North Carolina homeowners, we know exactly how to get the job done while providing 100% customer satisfaction.
We work with the best brands available in the market, our quality paints will reflect a first rate job on every room of your house. One of our professional painters will arrive at your site, give you a completely free evaluation of your project and schedule an appointment at the most convenient time. Our experts will always leave your home cleaned and neat once your project is completed.
Our customary work calls for two coats of paint on the walls and one coat on the ceiling. Evidently, if you wish a different approach; we can handle that as well. We'll do a final inspection and answer any questions you may have. At Armenta Painting LLC, we pride ourselves on our carefulness and attention to detail. We'll cover your furnishings and floors with clean sheeting.